Carriers require Anti-Money Laundering (AML) training in order to process & pay you for your written business. We have two options, LIMRA or WebCE, please see details below.

  • LIMRA is accepted by all of our carriers, will be free, but you have to wait to be entered by a carrier into their system, which may delay you first business from being processed and you getting paid.

  • WebCE is accepted by all except Royal Neighbors & Baltimore, is just under $10 & can be completed immediately.

----- LIMRA -----

LIMRA is universally accepted by our carriers and the requesting carriers will cover the cost of the course, but you do have to wait for them to enter you in the system. I suggest trying to log in and if you are in the system, take the course. But if not, you may want to consider WebCE to avoid delays in your contracting.

Go to:

Username: Your National Producer Number

Password:  Your last name (in all lowercase)

For first time users, just the Base Course is required. There will be no fee for the course.

*Please let me know when you have completed the course by sending your NPN & LIMRA password (carriers are not automatically notified).

----- WebCE -----

In order to get your AML course without delay, WebCE is a great option.  It can be completed immediately and is accepted by all of our carriers, with the exception of Royal Neighbors & Baltimore.

Go to:

  • Click "Course Catalog"
  • "Continuing Education"
  • Select your resident state
  • Select Life/Health
  • Select "Anti-Money Laundering for the Insurance Industry"  $9.95

*Upon completing the course, please send me the completion certificate, signed,  and we will get that updated with all of the carriers.

* AIG required an AML course be completed annually, so each year you can complete an AML refresher course on LIMRA. 

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